Collaborate With Us

Our Vision is to work together to make disciples and impact our world.


We believe that our mission was given by Jesus in what is referred to as the Great Commission where he instructs his disciples to "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts:1:8) Everything we do should ultimately be leading back into
We believe that success in life is found when an individual discovers and fulfills their God-given purpose. We truly believe that God has called us to plant a church in the College Park/ East Point Area to help people to discover and fulfill all they have been called to accomplish during the different seasons of their life. In addition, we are convinced that God called us to this specific area to make a positive impact within our community--whether the people who are impacted ever step foot on to our facilities.



We will continually be engaged in connecting with people. We believe there was a reason Jesus said to "GO!" Instead of waiting for people to come to us we will be intentional about going out to connect with people both locally where we are planted, and globally through the use of social media, technology, and missions work. Developing, cultivating, and maintaining relationships is key to us because we believe what makes us different from other organizations that do good is the Jesus who has radically loved us and changed us. In all we do, we plan to show this same type of love and compassion to others.